Below are some of the Web sites that I have found helpful in my family history research. If you come across sites that you think I might find useful, or find that a link is broken, do please contact me

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Lancashire places and history

  • Ralph Rooney – an extract from a booklet by Ralph Rooney who was born in Tottington in the mid-1880s. He lived at Boardman’s for some time. There are interesting descriptions of late 19th/early 20th Century life in the region where my great, great, grandfather was probably born.
  • Boardmans – home to my great, great, great grandfather and his family, a beautiful place to stay if you are researching family history in this area of Lancashire. Read Ralph Rooney’s descriptions of the area!
  • Lancashire Coal Mining History – web site by Jack Nadin dedicated to Lancashire Coal mining history but with annoying pop up adverts!
  • Burnley – Jack Nadin’s web site dedicated to Burnley. A very informative web site but those pop up adverts are very annoying!
  • A Chronology of Burnley – again by Jack Nadin I think.
  • Burnley Street Maps
  • Lancashire Old Maps – maps of Lancashire dating from 1579. If only I could trace a few ancestors back that far!
  • Tottington – The home page of Tottington Village – Bury, Lancashire, England
  • – a interesting web site covering the Bolton district with lots of photos. Regularly updated.




[Last updated 01 Nov 2004]