The following is taken from page 35 of a booklet which includes details of the Myrtle Bank Memorial Tablet, a photocopy of the page was supplied to me by Dorothy Y Magnall. We now know that Myrtle Bank was otherwise known as Mount Pisgah Chapel and that it was a United Free Methodist Chapel located on Cog Lane. If you have any information about or photos of the chapel do please contact me.

The very beautiful Tablet erected in the Vestibule in honour of those who made the supreme sacrifice bear the following names :-

Albert Ashworth. Ben Newham.
Ernest Binns. Albert H. Pellitt.
Walter Brunton. Thomas Rushton.
John Charles. Leonard Starkie.
James Clarke. Lewis Tyman.
Fred Leeming. John Taylor.
Harold Leeming. Walter Taylor.
Ralph Magnall. William Whittam.
Ernest Mills.

Many will remember the Memoriam Service, Saturday, Oct. 25th, 1924, conducted by Rev. J. Hodgson (Mansfield). Others taking part were Mr. Herbert Smith, Mr .A. V. Wilkinson, and Mr. R. G. Hodgson, unveiled the Tablet. At the evening gathering the Chairman, Mr. John Scholfield, presented an illuminated Roll of Honour to the Sunday School. The cost £90 12s. 6d. was entirely defrayed by subscriptions and collections.

The following served in H.M. Forces:-

John W. Aspden. Arthur Greenwood. George Riley.
Alfred Aspen. William Hall. Herbert Roberts.
George Alderson. Tom Howarth. Thomas Radcliffe.
John Boys* Willie Hemingway. James H. Riley.
Harold Boys. Willie Howarth. John T. Savage.
Arthur Boys. James Hodgson. Gilbert Savage*
Wilfred Boys. Admiral Howarth. Ernest Speak.
Arthur Butterworth. Arthur Hargreaves. Walter Stoker.
James H. Binns. Israel Hargreaves. Edwin Spencer.
Samuel Barlow. Walter Holmes. Wilbert Stott.
Walter Clegg* Robert A. Heap. Herbert Smith.
Edward Catlow* Torn Holden. Edward Smith.
Herbert Cock. John Hudsen. Harry Smith.
Walter Charles. John W. Kershaw. Tom Smith.
James Charles. Arthur Leeming. Harry Stevenson.
John W. Cramphorne. Ernest Leeming. George H. Tyman.
Amos Dodgeon. Thomas Leeming. James Tattersall.
James Dodgeon. Enoch Leeming. John Wade.
Fred Duerden. Herbert Leeming. Fred E. Webb.
Percy Duckworth. Joseph Lord. Herbert Wood.
Robert France. Ephraim Lord. Richard Watson.
Ernest France. Thomas Lord. William Ballinger.
Willie Foster. Fred Magnall. Joshua I)uerden.
Frank Greenwood. Harry Magnall. Paul Heaton*
Joseph Glenn. Arthur Ogden* Herbert Lund.
Tom Garnett. Joseph Ormerod. Wilfred Young.
Walter Greenwood. Bertie Pollard.            *Since died.



“To the honour and glory of God and in honoured memory of those whose names are inscribed on the tablet I unveil this memorial” With these impressive words Mr Robert G Hodgson, Superintendent of the Myrtle Bank Sunday School, on Saturday afternoon, performed the unveiling of a tablet erected in the church in memory of those members of the church and school who lost their lives in the war. The tablet which is a handsome piece of marble, bears the inscription, “To those who made the supreme sacrifice,” and bears the following names:- Albert Ashworth, Ernest Binns, Walter Brunton, John Charles, James Clarke, Fred Leeming, Harold Leeming, Ralph Magnall, Ernest Mills, Ben Newham, Albert H. Pellitt, Thomas Rushton, Leonard Starkie, Lewis Tyman, John Taylor, Walter Taylor, William Whittam. Greater love hath not man.”
There was a good attendance at the service which was conducted by the Rev. James Hodgson, of Mansfield, a former minister at Myrtle Bank. The roll of honour was read by Mr. Albert V. Wilkinson, president of the young men’s class, and the scripture was read by a former president of the young men’s class, Mr Herbert Smith. The Rev. Robert G. Hodgson said he believed he had called to occupy that position that afternoon largely because he was minister at the church at the outbreak of the war and had intimate personal acquaintance with many of those whose names were on the tablet. He got to know them in various ways, but he did not think he ever really reached their hearts through his preaching itself. Since leaving Burnley he had come to the conclusion that his best work there was done not from that pulpit, but in the young men’s classroom. It was there he came into close contact with them and got to know something of their ideas and ideals. Then he got to know them through their sports. He attended their cricket and football matches, and in an indirect way got to know them and they appreciated his presence on the field. Perhaps he got to know them best of all through an incident that happened in the early stages of the war. When the trustees of the church felt they could not go to much expense in the renovation of those buildings, the young me set to work and renovated the school. That afternoon those memories were revived and we thought of those who were no longer with use with kindly thoughts, and very great gratitude. No matter what man’s opinion was about the war, there were no two opinions concerning the sacrifice of our brave men. They put their bodies, literally, between us and the foe, and by their endurance and fortitude they saved this country from invasion. What invasion would have meant we had some faint idea from the experience of Belgium and certain parts of France. Surely the call came to this generation to make a repetition of 1914 impossible. We must strengthen the hands of those who were trying to make the League of Nations an effective peace organisation. To those who were comrades, and who had been spared, he hoped that when they saw the names of their comrades inscribed on the tablet they would be moved to high and holy endeavour. Thus would their departed comrades live again in their lives, made better by their presence.
At the conclusion of the service the “Last Post” was sounded by Mr. Routh.
Dedication services were held on Sunday, at which the preacher was the Rev. James Hodgson. There were good congregations, and satisfactory collections were made on behalf of the memorial fund. Special music was rendered by the choir, under the leadership of Mr H. Smith, the organist being Miss E. Sagar.
A tea, recital and concert was held on Saturday evening. About 200 sat down to tea, which was served by the married and young ladies, and this was followed by an excellent concert, contributed to by Miss Marion Allen, L.T.C.L., Mrs. J. Clough, and Mr. George Hemingway. The accompanist was Miss Edna Sagar, and Mr. John Schofield presided. During an interval an illuminated roll of honour was presented to the Sunday school by Mr. Ernest Leeming, secretary of the Memorial Committee, who, after a few appropriate words handed the roll of honour to Mr. Albert Lupton. The latter received it on behalf of the school

(Burnley Express 29 August 1924)

[Last updated 13 Nov 2023]