William was born about 1838, possibly on the 26th October. If this data is correct then William was christened at Emmanuel Church, Holcombe on the 7th April 1839. He was a son of Thomas Ma(n)gnall (HM055) and Mary Isherwood (HM056).
The 1841 Census shows William to be 2 years old and living at Parks in Tottington Lower End with his parents, four sisters and a brother.
By the time the 1851 Census was taken, William was 12 and the family were now living at Boardmans in Hawkshaw next door to Thomas (HM059), Rachel (HM060) and their family which included a William (GM076) who was only 2 years older. It is these two Williams who have made it a little more difficult to identify who was who.
William married Frances Anderson (GM055) on the 14th October 1865 at Holy Trinity Church in Habergham Eaves. According to their marriage certificate William was 25, a miner, living at Cog Lane. Frances was 25 years old, a Roser (?), living at Trafalgar Street. John’s father Thomas is shown as a weaver and Frances’ father was called Robert and was a carter. The witnesses at the wedding were Thomas Magnall and Elizabeth Ellen? Anderson. Frances may have signed the register but the other three signed with a mark.
In 1871 the Census shows that William and his family had moved to Stoops Lane in the Burnley area not far from the other William (GM076). Their children at this stage were John T., Edward and James W.
William and his family were living at 32 Lord Street, Habergham Eaves by the time of the 1881 Census. William was still a coal miner, and they now had the following children:
- John Thomas, (FM063) b.29 March 1866 in Burnley (VRI;
- Edward (FM064) b.c.1868 in Burnley;
- James W. (FM065) b.c.1870 in Burnley;
- Luena (FM066) b.16 August 1874 in Burnley;
- Bertha (EM029) b.20 January 1876 in Burnley;
- Obadiah (EM215 / EM030) b.c.1880 in Burnley.
The 1891 census shows the family living at 29 Gresham Place, Burnley. William is now 53 years old and still mining.
He was still an underground miner at the time of the 1901 census and the family were now living at 144 Sandygate, Burnley. In fact we think that William may have lived to be 82 years old dying in 1921 but this needs confirming.
If you compare the family of this William (GM054) with that of William (GM076) you can see why it is easy to get confused. Both had a father called Thomas, they both lived near each other even after moving to Burnley, and they both had children with the same name.
Frances died in 1919 in the Union Infirmary and is buried in Burnley Cemetery.
[Last updated 28 Dec 2011]