James was born on 11 May 1913 in Burnley (RoB 1913 Burnley Q2 Vol.8e p.368) to Fred (EM001) and Beatrice (EM028).
We have records of James being admited into the “Primrose Bank Public Assistance Institution” (the old Burnley Workhouse) on the following dates:
- 29 October 1938
- 28 February 1939
- 27 March 1939
The 1939 register for England and Wales records James’ birthdate as 11 May 1913, his occupation as a Grocer’s Assistant but he was residing in the Primrose Bank Public Assistance Institution as a patient.
James died on the 19th June 1944 aged 31 (RoD Amoundernesse 1944 Q2 Vol.8e p.587) and was buried on 23rd June 1944. A picture of the gravestone is on Fred’s page.
[Last updated 14 Nov 2021]