Sarah was born on 13th June 1906 in Burnley (RoB Burnley 1906 Q2 Vol.8e p.216) to Fred (EM001) and Beatrice (EM028). Sarah was also known as Sadie by the family. Sarah probably attended Rosegrove Junior School. Along with the rest of the family she attended Rosegrove Congregational Chapel (now demolished). Emma and Sadie were in the choir and were always involved in concerts, plays, bazaars and quite often, potato pie suppers.
Sarah married Leonard A.J. Dewhurst in Burnley in 1934 (RoM Burnley 1934 Q4 Vol.8e p.466). They had at least two children:-
- John Dewhurst
- Peter Dewhurst.
The 1939 Register shows that Leonard and Sarah were living at 13 Lark Street in Burnley, that Leonard was born on the 4th June 1907 and worked as an “Insurance Dept Head”. Sarah did “Unpaid domestic duties” which I take to mean she was a housewife.
[Last updated 16 Nov 2021]